Monday, March 15, 2010

Find Your Resolve -- Again


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So how are your New Year's Resolutions going? Do you remember what you wanted to accomplish this year? If you've already given up on your resolutions, don't worry, you're in good company. Lack of motivation and time are the biggest reasons why people let their exercise goals get pushed aside. And if running more was among your resolutions, your plans may have been seriously derailed by the tough winter we've experienced in the U.S.

Spring is coming soon, and the start of a new season is a great opportunity to revisit your goals. If you're hoping to lose weight or get in decent shape by the summer, you still have plenty of time. Check out these tips to get motivated and back on track:

And if you're a beginner runner and one of your goals is to run your first race this year, check out these training schedules:

Find Your Resolve -- Again originally appeared on Running & Jogging on Friday, March 12th, 2010 at 10:39:11.

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