Tuesday, March 16, 2010

7 Amazing Lessons from 7 Distinguished Billionaires


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via Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life by Mr. Self Development on 3/16/10

Schneier, Mark Cuban, Doctorow
They say that a million dollars in $100 bills is 43 inches high, but a billion dollars in $100 bills is almost three times the height of the Empire State building. A million dollars in $100 bills would weigh 22 pounds, but a billion dollars would weigh 11 tons.

Suffice it to say that the accumulation and maintenance of a billion dollars requires much wisdom. Today I want to look at seven amazing lessons from seven of the world's most famous billionaires. These billionaires range from Bill Gates to Mark Cuban and each of these individuals have accomplished amazing things.

There are many things that we can learn from them so enough with the monologue; here we go!

7 Amazing Lessons from 7 Distinguished Billionaires
  1. Look for Opportunities

    "It's through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we've always mapped our path at Dell. There's always an opportunity to make a difference." – Michael Dell, Founder, CEO, and Chairman of Dell Inc.

    If you never look for an opportunity, you will never find one. The Wright Brothers were looking to see if it was possible for man to fly, they didn't stumble upon it, they were looking for it. What are you looking for? The Scripture says seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be open to you.

  2. Believe in Yourself

    "I always knew I was destined for greatness." – Oprah, Media Mogul

    As the famous poem goes, "If you think you're outclassed, you are, you have to think high to rise, you must be sure of yourself, before you can ever win a prize." You must believe in "you" before anybody else will. Oprah believed that she would be a success, and she is. What do you believe about yourself, whatever it is, that's what you will become.

  3. Create an Atmosphere of Success

    "It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction." – Warren Buffet, Investor

    You can't soar with the eagles, if you spend your time hanging with the chickens. Find people who are going where you want to go, and "conspire to aspire before you expire." Atmosphere is critical, diligently guard who enters your inner-circle. Your friends are a prophecy of your future.

  4. Empower Others

    "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." – Bill Gates, Co-founder and Former CEO of Microsoft, currently the 2nd richest man in the world behind Carlos Slim.

    Who are you empowering, who are you helping, who needs you. You can't go forward without helping others go forward. Instead of being concerned about how you're going to get ahead, find a way to help others get ahead, and you will get ahead in the process. Empower others and you will empower yourself.

  5. Focus

    "In the end, you're measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish." – Donald Trump, Real Estate Investor/Developer, TV Personality

    Don't be a "jack of all trades" and master of none. Don't bite-off more than you can chew. Decide what you want to accomplish in your life, and spend your time accomplishing it. Work hard, take breaks, and in the end, if your focus is single, you will have accomplished it.

  6. Learn From Your Mistakes

    "I'm the type that thinks if you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it." – Mark Cuban, Internet Entrepreneur and NBA Team Owner

    It sounds simple, but many people live a life of repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

    The "cow in the ditch" example below gives us a pattern for how we should deal with our mistakes.

    Here are the three steps you should follow whenever a "cow ends up in your ditch:"

    Step 1: Get Cow Out of Ditch
    Step 2: Find Out How Cow Got in Ditch
    Step 3: Make Sure Cow Does Not Get in Ditch Again

    Using these three simple steps, you can solve many of life's problems (from debt to relationship issues).

  7. Only Go Forward

    "We will go forward, ... We will never go back." – Michael Bloomberg, current New York City Mayor and Founder of Bloomberg LP

    You can't make much progress forward if you keep on taking steps backwards.

    Make a decision to go forward, never settle, never stagnate, life is about growth, it's about development. You are supposed to grow, you're supposed to become all that you are capable of becoming, so go forward and never look back!
Thank you for reading and be sure to pass this article along!

Additional Details on the Image Used: Bruce Schneier, Mark Cuban and Cory Doctorow. Bruce and Cory were recipients, along with Yochai Benkler, of the EFF Pioneer Awards.

Written on 3/16/2010 by Mr. Self Development who is a motivational author that offers a practical guide to success and wealth; support him by visiting his blog at mrselfdevelopment.com. .Photo Credit: eschipul


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